Michael1105 I don't know what causes that. The links are sources of data validation drop downs on the MSR...Log sheets. For example, G17 and H17 on MSR2Log:
Design patterns are solutions to recurring problems;guidelines on how to tackle certain problems. They are not classes, packages or libraries that you can plug into your application and wait for the magic to happen. These are, rather, guidelines on how to tackle certain problems in certain situa...
On 2b2t, n0p located and explored various locations, eventually coming to a Gringotts stash location. He was spotted by rebane2001, and initially silent about how he found the location. However, about a month later, he began a conversation with the SpawnMasons about it. n0p revealed he ...
Direct operations Axis Selection Once these concepts are clear, you can understand and use it’s any function easily. But still if you feel I should cover more functions, leave a message on discussion forum. There are many other things that you can do with numpy like storing and manipulating...
I’m inclining to the view that small language models that run on every-day devices might have some utility, if we understand the how/when/contexts appropriate to them. Anyway. All these things collide in my head. I’ve been trying some experiments in using https://makereal.tldraw.com/...
As to how people came up with these things: who knows? How did Copernicus come up with the current view of the solar system? How people come to realize the Earth is round? How did Newton and Leibnitz come to invent calculus? They all did, and we benefit from that. Last edited: Apr...
The rise of the mechanistic worldview in the seventeenth century had a major impact on views of biological generation. Many seventeenth century naturalists rejected the old animist thesis. However, the alternative view of gradual mechanistic formation in embryology didn’t convince either. How to arti...
Hi pablo_borgespatel, I've attached Glint's POV paper on culture which should be helpful in explaining how we think about culture and measuring it. It's on Glint's old branding but the info is still valid. You'll also note the the Culture elements are slightly different...
making it possible to “see” the structure of the material within the barrier itself. Maybe that is just a description of how an electron phase microscope actually works. The phase is changed by the destruction of the virtual electron and that change depends on the structure at the point the...
This is how we know the Earth evolved from meteorites and the solar system began 4.5-billion years ago. [Response: How can gas and dust compact themselves into dense black rocks (asteroids and meteoroids) in the weightlessness of space? See “The Origin of Asteroids and Meteoroids” on ...