An explanation text is a non-fiction text which describes a process, for example: the water cycle, how bees make honey or how a car is made. Explanation texts: features Explanation texts usually include these features: Written in the present tense, in formal language Text arranged into num...
Sand and fine-grained clastic sediments deposited from river system in a marginal evaporite-basin facies, the oxygen isotope record in the carbonate minerals (mainly dolomites), and the Br/Cl ratios of second-cycle salts, are some of the evidence for influxes of meteoric water. Important ...
1、诊断学名词解释1(Explanation of diagnostic terms 1)格雷厄姆钢杂音:二尖瓣狭窄造成严重肺动脉高压者,在肺动脉区可闻及舒张期杂音,称格雷厄姆斯蒂尔杂音。奔马律:系在第二心音之后出现的响亮额外音,当心率快时与原有的第一、第二心音组成类似马奔跑时的蹄声。重叠型奔马律:为舒张早期和晚期奔马律在快速性心率或...
assessing and managing the impact of global change on the water cycle; managing water as a scarce [...] 主要行动涉及:评估和管理全球变化对水循环的影响;作 为一种稀缺资源对水进行管理;降低与水有关的风险。
油水井作业工艺技术名词解释(Explanation of technical terms for oil and water well operation) 油水井作业工艺技术名词解释(Explanation of technical terms for oil and water well operation) Explanation of technical terms for oil and water well operation Lifting pipe string: means lifting the system to ...
Raised peatlands, or bogs, are gently mounded landforms that are composed entirely of organic matter1–4 and store the most carbon per area of any terrestrial ecosystem5. The shapes of bogs are critically important because their domed morphology4,6,7 acc
病生名词解释(Explanation of sick nouns).doc,病生名词解释(Explanation of sick nouns) 1. sterilization: the method of killing pathogenic microorganisms on an object, but not necessarily killing the spores. 2. sterilization: the method of killing all mi
17,geologicalcycle 18,biologicalsmallcycle 20.Soilprofile 21,mechanicalcomposition 22.Soiltexture 36,theadsorptionprocessofions 24.Soilhumus 25.Mineralizationprocessoforganicmatter 26.Humificationcoefficient 27.Mineralizationrateoforganicmatter 28humificationprocess ...
8酶的活性中心active center of enzyme 49 9结合基团binding group 50 10催化基团catalytic group 50 11必需基团essential group 50 12酶原zymogen 51 13酶原激活activation of zymogen 51 14多功能酶multifunctional enzyme (tandem enzyme串联酶)54 15同工酶isoenzyme 52 16变构酶allosteric enzyme 53 17变构激活剂...
Difference in environmental explanation from analysis of living and dead foraminifera in the Lingdingyang estuary of the Zhujiang River shows the frequent depositional belt in the river—mouth—bar region ,the exotic burial foraminifera assemblages in deep-water channels,the difference in the intrusive ...