Amos JohnsonSamir BattaAaron BobickCharles IsbellGraham ColemanCVPR 2005: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference, V.1R. Hamid, A. Johnson, S. Batta, A. Bobick, C. Isbell, and G. Coleman, "Detection and Explanation of Anomalous Activities: Representing Activities as Bags of...
Dynamics of Ongoing Activity:\nExplanation of the Large Variability\nin Evoked Cortical ResponsesDynamics of Ongoing Activity:\nExplanation of the Large Variability\nin Evoked Cortical ResponsesAmos ArieliAlexander SterkinAmiram GrinvaldAd Aertsen
AmospoweridentityideologycoherenceremnantjusticeJonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind seeks to explain why it is difficult for liberals and conservatives to get along. His aim is not just explanatory but also prescriptive. Once we understand that the differences between disputants spring from distinct ...
Amos BouskilaBouskila, A. (1988). Use of the tail in blocking the burrows: a new explanation for the low frequency of tail loss in two desert geckos. Israel Journal of Zoology, 35: 100-101.