clear reference is made to "AMITAbhá" as the "Infinite Light of Revelation", the "Unbounded Light" and the "Source of Wisdom, of Virtue and of Buddhahood." When giving the qualities of a "true follower" Buddha stated that it was he who "relies with his heart upon AmitAbhá ....
The greatest revelation that l personally experienced was the understanding of one’s own self belief … to totally believe in the “inner strength and good within one self” that I as a person do love myself for the good within my mind, heart, body and soul is myself a good loving ca...
He was confronted by a Majzoob8, Hadrat Dhoka 6 Ash-Shifa, Part Two, Chapter Two, Section: 2, Page: 224. 7 Ash-Shifa, Part Two, Chapter Two, Section: 3, Page: 225. 8 One who is absorbed in divine meditation. 7 Poetry of Imam Ahmed Rida Series Shah (May Allah have mercy upon...
Study Bible Book ◦ Chapter “Behold,” says the Teacher,The term "Behold" is often used in Scripture to draw attention to something significant or to introduce a revelation. The "Teacher" refers to the author of Ecclesiastes, traditionally understood to be Solomon, the son of David and ...
(19) And speak with the best terms about the Companions, all of them, And do not be one who speaks ill of them, pointing out their faults and criticizing, (20) Since the clear Revelation has spoke of their excellence, And in (Soorah) al-Fath are verses about the Companions, praising...
The Fourth Beast Kingdom of Daniel Chapter 7 matches the First Beast of Revelation Chapter 13, and is partnered with the Second Beast of Revelation Chapter 13 which I believe is the False Prophet Pope Francis who is described as a l...