The words of Imams and divines of Islam served to draw the longing souls to the fountainhead of true knowledge. There is a very powerful prayer which the Shi'ah Muslims chant as a dawn prayer during the month of the fast. The faithful believer awakens at dawn to catch the melody of its...
Al-Samarqandi said: I heard my father narrate; it happened that while Sayyidina Sufyan al-Thawri was circling the Ka‟bah, he saw a man who did not raise his foot nor lower his foot except that he offered a prayer (durood) for the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him ...
The days of tyrannical rule by your little prima donna are over. The atmosphere of the home and family will now be set by you, under the guidance and authority of the Word of God. A. three basic goals of discipline for your prayerful consideration. 1. Submission to Authority In Rom 13...
We got mixed up in the days of the week. It was all Elder Baxter’s fault”—sensation in Baxter’s pew—“because he went and changed the prayer-meeting to Wednesday night and then we thought Thursday was Friday and so on till we thought Saturday was Sunday. Carl was laid up sick ...
After you come to, you run into a man named Ethan. He reveals himself to be the father of Anna Lee, the pregnant woman you and your wife were investigating. During his explanation of the story, Ethan summarizes that Prophet Knoth raped Anna, got her pregnant, and then sent Ethan to kil...
My prayer tonight is this …Father send Your Son!! DG “Thank you oh so much for sound teaching. I am so thankful and blessed for clicking on your channel. I have been on your Facebook page since 2011 and never subscribed to you-tube channel until today. I loved the...
greed instead of godliness, fornication instead of faithfulness, hate instead of love, entertainment instead of prayer, lies instead of truth, false religions and ‘scientific theory’ instead of Biblical truth and Jesus our LORD. Do you ...
the Hawaiian version of the song. You can listen to it here. Elle Elle and I go way back. I love her to pieces and she is a blast to be around. She’s super funny and always makes me laugh. Elle has previously expressed a firm belief that God does NOT exist. I keep a prayer ...
All human cultures have entertained the common belief that dream images, like words in a language foreign to us, have hidden meanings trying to convey the secrets of our personality or of our future. We are fortunate to have Professor White's superb, first time, complete translation into Engl...