首先,垄断的定义:垄断市场是指整个行业只有惟一一个厂商的市场组织。垄断厂商可以控制和操纵市场价格。有些行业的生产具备这样的特点:企业的生产规模经济需要在一个很大的产量范围和相应巨大的资本设备的生产运行水平上才能得到充分体现,以至于一整个行业的 产量只有由一个企业来生产时才能达到这样的生产规模...
Explain whether perfectly competitive firms and monopolies achieve productive and allocative efficiency. Explain why or why not. Explain why is perfect competition is the best form of market structure. Does perfect competition exist? Explain how a...
For example, if someone builds a house to sell, they are using all factors of production. Entrepreneurship drives them to take on the task. They need land (natural resource) to build on, a process that requires labor and capital (equipment, tools, building materials, etc.). Capital, in t...
Explain why the market system cannot deliver a sustainable competitive equilibrium in the case of a natural monopoly. Explain whether perfectly competitive firms and monopolies achieve productive and allocative efficiency. Explain why or why no...