10.moralprinciples:formaldocumentsthatshowthebasic valuesofanorganizationandtheethicalrulesthat organizationsexpectemployeestoadhereto. 11.:socialresponsibilityreferstotheenterprisesnotonly beartheeconomicandlegalobligation(legalobligationrefers toenterprises must abide by the relevant laws, the economy is the ...
Explanation of Elements of Avicenna`s Ethical- Social Philosophy and Implications for Moral Educationراضيه دانشگاه تهران بيروني كاشاني
maintained overall stability through proper handling of complaint/whistle-blowing cases, strictly implemented the accountability system against all irregularities, effectively prevented the occurrence of moral hazards and related cases, safeguarded healthy business development and ensured a safe and stable busin...
Divine Command Theory is defined as “ethical principles are simple the commands of God” (Pojman p.356). Basically, this theory states that “morally right” means “commanded by God” and “morally wrong” means “forbidden by God” (Rachels p.53). The positive feature of the Divine Comm...
In response to increasing concerns about environmental degradation, companies started to introduce actions that portrayed their attentiveness to these issu
I then argue that the third-factor replier cannot consistently take our beliefs about basic moral principles to be explained by some such third-factor because of the concession they make in response to debunking arguments and the meta-ethical view they are looking to defend. This implies that ...
Because world oil supply is growing less rapidly than either population or GDP, businesses and consumers find that they need to use less of it, each year. In addition, the rising cost of oil is a problem. This occurs because we extracted the cheapest to extract oil first, and ...
But success in achieving the immediate target may not be in this way up to the agent, and may depend on various kinds of moral [or epistemic] luck” [23] (p. 25). Truth is seen as something that belongs exclusively to the realm of local epistemic goals. The general goal, that is,...
Is there a law being broken? If yes, the issue is of disobedience with enforceable laws instead of the unenforceable principles of a moral code. If it is legal, there are three more tests to decide whether it is right or wrong.
INFJ people live in the world of thought. They are independent and original thinkers with strong feelings, firm principles and honest human nature. Even in the face of doubt, INFJ people still believe in their views and decisions. Their evaluation of themselves is higher than everything else, ...