We assessed the natural course of blood pressure (BP) within the first 24 h in groups of ischemic stroke patients with different characteristics. We hypothesized that a consistent BP reduction, regardless of stroke location, time window from debut to admission and presence of persistent vascular ...
The contribution of each feature to the risk prediction of IDH was measured based on the Gini evaluation index. The TreeSHAP method was used to provide global and individual explanations for the IDH risk prediction model. Results. Hemodialysis duration, pre-dialysis mean arterial pressure, and pre...
Greenwood, Ph.D., Senior Vice-President In addition to blood pressure and pulse information, the CardioVision® also generates information on the stiffness or flexibility of the brachial artery. Called the Arterial Stiffness Index (ASI), the ASI is a number that correlates with arteriosclerosis....
事故案例分析:2019年10月10日8时47分左右,甘肃富蓝耐环保水务有限公司污水处理工武龙斐(男,25 岁),在嘉峪关市嘉北工业园区自建污水处理站碳源加药间巡检过程中因氮气窒息致死。在进行应急救援过程中5人相继晕倒,事故造成2人死亡,4人受伤。请依据《使用有毒物品作业场所劳动保护条例》规定,选择用人单位使用有...
Adolescents exhibiting thinness demonstrated significantly reduced systolic blood pressure. The age at which the first menstrual cycle occurred was considerably later in underweight female adolescents compared to those of a normal weight. In thin adolescents, upper-body muscular strength, evaluated through ...
In the masculine incentive group, blood pressure measures (SBP, diastolic blood pressure, and mean arterial pressure) were higher in the moderately difficult condition than in the impossible condition, regardless of gender. Findings support a conceptual analysis based on motivation intensity theory which...
partial pressure, carbon dioxidesurgery, cardiovascularWhen venous oxygen saturation increases as a result of increased blood flow, changes in venous blood PCO2 and carbon dioxide content may differ because of the Haldane effect. The Haldane effect may also explain increases in gastric mucosal-arterial...
Compounds were administered intravenously while arterial blood pressure, left ventricular pressure (LVP) and the electrocardiogram were measured continuously. The rate of LVP contraction (LV dP/dt(max)) was used to evaluate cardiac performance; and was compared to the QA interval; which has ...