The "big bang theory" was established at the end of the third decade of the past century, when astrophysicist Edwin Hubble made the very great discovery, that the Galaxies of the Universe do not have fixed positions, but they move and even move away, which means that the "Universe is ...
Selecting large quantities of humorous utterances from the American TV series The Big Bang Theory,this paper aims to explore how the humor is produced and understood based on the Relevance Theory. The fact proved that the Relevance Theory can explain the humorous utterances forcefully and it paves...
We all know about the Big Bang theory of how the universe came into existence. The steady-state universe theory is put forward as an alternative to the Big Bang theory. The steady-state theory states that the universe is always expanding, but it maintains the same density. We know that ...
Von Neumann's ideas of propagation of information from parent cells to next cycles in a cellular automaton, could be an explanation of the geometry of space-time grid, limitation on the speed of light, Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, principles of Quantum theory, Relativity, elementary ...
These two theories were active contenders until the 1965 discovery, by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, of the cosmic microwave background radiation, a fact that is a straightforward prediction of the Big Bang theory, and one that the original Steady State theory could not account for. LASER-...
The simple answer is that it increases the project execution time since testers will be sitting idle till all the modules are developed. Also, this makes the root analysis of defects difficult. This type of testing approach is known as Big-Bang Integration testing. ...
In fact, it seems like the Big Bang Theory is considerably more Soviet than Anglo-American despite the hype of Stephen Hawking and that idiotic TV series with Sheldon Cooper as protagonist. I never would have considered general relativity (GR) to be worth the time investment, much because I ...
Furthermore, no clear signals of new physics have been observed at the LHC, implying that the SM contains all basic ingredients to be the proper effective theory at the weak scale and perhaps at much higher energies. The SM, however, does not provide an explanation for the observed Dark ...
It is my theory that this is because the space/time warp of our photon wormhole connects the emission point on Proxima Centauri and the landing point in our eye only in a virtual sense and only in the first instant of its creation. ...
This starts with the Big Bang, er, from the data structures and algorithms themselves. When I usually dream during the day, I always think of being a salted fish. It’s better to be able to make a lot of money by shitting with pay. Although data structures and algorithms do not have...