By deploying adequate methods for inference about the differential predictive power of alexithymia and autism traits in a large representative referral population for autism diagnostics in adulthood, the current results suggest that the alexithymia trait, difficulties identifying feelings, acts as a major ...
The rise of the mechanistic worldview in the seventeenth century had a major impact on views of biological generation. Many seventeenth century naturalists
Possible responses to ambiguous stumuli range from feelings of disgust on encountering food that is off, negative reactions to individuals who are in some way different from the norm (such as ‘coulrophobia’ – fear of clowns), aggrievement at acts of blatant deception, amusement at sensory ...
Our very physiology has been driving our behaviour, which ranges from incredible acts of love to unimaginable violence and horror. But we can finally provide the scientific explanation for why this is, and through that understanding of the human condition we can free ourselves of all the guilt ...
First, considering the circumstances in which the action occurs is often enough to remove our puzzlement as to why someone acts as she does. Second, in those situations where we do need to enquire about the agent's state of mind, this does not, in the normal case, lead us to look ...
(2008) pointed out an important property of the diffusion model for the explanation of the WPR: increasing drift rate acts to reduce RT. Crucially, this reduction is most pronounced for higher percentiles of RT (cf. Van Ravenzwaaij et al., 2011), as is illustrated in the upper part of ...
(2) do and perform any and all acts for and on behalf of the undersigned which may be necessary or desirable to comply with the requirements of Sections 13 and 16 of the Exchange Act including, but not limited to, executing documents required by said sections o...
(the "Company"), Forms 3, 4, and 5 in accordance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act; (3) do and perform any and all acts for and on behalf of the undersigned which may be necessary or desirable to complete and execute any such Form 3, 4, or 5, includi...
By designing a series of shortest pathways connecting different pairs of central carbon metabolites using a set of 30 reaction rules (that acts on carbohydrates), Noor et al. proposed that the canonical glycolytic pathway is the shortest pathway (in E. coli) that ensures the production of ...
As discussed above, the Convolution + Pooling layers act as Feature Extractors from the input image while Fully Connected layer acts as a classifier. Note that inFigure 15below, since the input image is a boat, the target probability is 1 for Boat class and 0 for other three classes, i....