During the interview I estimated fifteen days as the amount of time needed for me to finish my activities at my current job and start at your company, but due to fact that I got sick for the last whole week and was not able to work, I could not finish my tasks and will...
leaving-room-for-alternative-explanation-of-the-fact网络对事实没有其他解释余地 网络释义 1. 对事实没有其他解释余地 ...有其他解释余地的情况下,才能判处死刑。” 这里的“对事实没有其他解释余地”(leaving room for alternative explanation of th…article.chinalawinfo.com|基于14个网页©...
aYou should provide your current employer with at least two weeks’ notice before leaving your job. We encourage you to tell your employer today, and inform your employer that your last day will be September 5th. Two weeks’ notice is a minimum period that is standard professional behavior in...
A Short Explanation For Why Investors Are Still Leaving Their Money In Hedge Funds Despite Dismal ReturnsMyles Meserve
labor market as unemployed job seekers is higher, and the share entering with new jobs is lower, in the years following the Great Recession than in the years following the 2001 recession. C clu The dramatic drop in labor force participa- tion during and after the Great Recession has been...
aOne possible explanation is measurement error in the imbalance variable thereby leaving some explanatory scope for the number of trades. 一可能解说是计量误差在从而留下一些说明范围为贸易的数量的不平衡状态可变物。[translate]
There are a bunch of complicated systems underlying the slurper that let it do its job properly. For example, I mentioned earlier that when a connection is dropped, its pending tasks are redistributed to other connections; naturally the same thing is done for block checks. Additionally, the dat...
Anyway so we switched to a lookup table approach and rewrote it in Cuda to run on my desktop as a batch job every few minutes. It can do literally millions per second because each of the thousands of cuda cores can work on their own seed in parallel. Here's the idea: the lookup tab...
Help deliver a job to a customer on another time zone: This page was created for our translators to help them deliver their (and subsequentlyour) work on time. Here's a simplepopout alarm clock. TimeZoneTable Time zone abbreviationMeaning and/or location(s)Time difference fromGMTWhat 9am ...
One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her pet dog her earrings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. “The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer, explains the professor. “People programm