The only thing more awkward than going through puberty is reading the books explaining puberty that well-meaning adults thrust upon us. I don't mean that as a criticism; everything is inherently mortifying when you're a tween, from having your mom…
The biochemical composition of saliva and overall saliva flow rate are modified in several important ways by hormonal fluctuations during events such as puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy, making the oral environment significantly more cariogenic for women than for men. These results suggest that ...
Conflict with parents, trust and autonomy from parents, exposure to peer deviance, and involvement in romantic relationships mediate the puberty-delinquency association. However, the relative importance of each of these mechanisms varies by the context of delinquency and the indicators of pubertal ...
pubertyPsychological capital, a vital factor in adolescents' success, interacts with health and the dimensions of health and is especially important in adolescent girls. The purpose of this research is to explain the lived experiences of school principals regarding the promotion of psychological ...