The mean age at kidney failure for males with X-linked disease is 29 [1]. Men and women with a single autosomal variant and women with X-linked Alport syndrome show wider clinical variability and less predictable clinical outcomes (Appendix Fig. 1). See HOW IT WORKS: Appendix Table 1. ...
This selection may be performed using the input data set 10, for example by identifying the mean, median or mode or other function of the values in that dimension in the input data set. The threshold 48 is input into a comparator 49. Each input datum also is input to the comparator 49...
measured by the test quantities, i.e.,\(Pr(T({y}_{rep},\theta )\ge T(y,\theta )|y)\). The meanp-valuefor each of the states is presented in TableS2. The tail area probabilities in all the cases were within 0.05 and 0.95, indicating that the model can replicate the observed ...
The general guideline is to choose the most "common" (e.g., mean, median, mode) values of the variable as the reference value, but it is not a strict rule and one is free to choose other values as the reference value relevant within the context. Next, we define 𝑓(𝑥1,…, ...
The extremeness of the flood behavior is quite similar across the study regions, as evident by the similar shape parameter values (mean and median). In fact, the median value of the shape parameter (Table 1) within each physiographic region is close to the median value of 0.19 as obtained ...