Moreover, frequent exposure to online hate speech was positively associated with bystander intervention, whereas, a perceived threat or low self-efficacy reduced the likelihood of intervention. Also, a greater acceptance of negative consequences and being educated about online hate speech through peers ...
As such, the right sound absorption treatments can reduce a room or building’s background noise, improve its occupants’ speech clarity, and enhance its overall auditory experience.How Does Sound Absorbing Work?While soundproofing products use dense, heavy materials, sound absorption treatments are ...
investors will stop buying debt which will force the central bank to buy the debt. Of course, they will do so by printing more money and devaluing the currency. We know this because we have seen it happen before many times throughout history with Germany...
it’s a fact that SJW wackiness has taken over academia, and that college students are all whiny little “snowflakes,” and that it’s time for a reckoning, for some aggressive pushback from the steely-eyed rationalists aiming to stand athwart history, yelling, uh, “Feminism is cancer.”...