And the obvious counterargument, is of course... Reductionist: "One man's modus tollens is another man's modus ponens. Reductionism is true; therefore, there is, in fact, no God." At this point, the anti-reductionist gathers a lynch mob and has the reductionist burned at the stake for...
17For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled. 18The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.” DISKWEDHYANS 17 An Hora Veur ha'n Best...
And the obvious counterargument, is of course... Reductionist: "One man's modus tollens is another man's modus ponens. Reductionism is true; therefore, there is, in fact, no God." At this point, the anti-reductionist gathers a lynch mob and has the reductionist burned at the stake for...
It has been asked how so much information could have been found on a single rather small stone. It is simple. The invisible characters on the stone magically grouped themselves in layers over one another, alternately rising and falling as I needed. Reading the holy writ of Ungod was more l...
” The authority, of course, is given by God. He is standing at the front of a platform, and behind him are musical instruments and two flags. The flag of the United States, and the flag of Israel. The Israeli Right has been wooing the American Religious Right for decades, and the ...
( If each yea’rs UK contribution to the EU had been put instead into a sovereign wealth fund and allowed compound interest to work its magic God alone knows what the value of the fund would be). Presently the UK pays around £13 billion gross to the EU and receives around £4 bil...
Broadcastingwas a choice to be “out” about the facial difference and to actively educate others about facial differences. Some found meaning and purpose in broadcasting.“[God] made me this way as part of this mission, his own little part in helping with craniofacial awareness…...
“We thank God that field students could get along, and even no one objected about taking internship programs. In the meeting held by the Vice-Chancellors’ Office for Education with the presence of authorities from other universities, they had stated that they were following our policies because...
Participation was voluntary, the purpose was made clear, questions were invited, benefits explained and signatures of both the researcher and participant obtained after there was agreement to participate. The "mothers group" participants were deliberately not drawn from currently stigmatised communities...
Instead, they decided to focus on that god forsaken teddy bear. The one feature added as an after thought to satisfy all the people who complained about Willow being gutted when ported to DST is the one they decided to focus on. They didn't give the Pyromaniac fire...