Explaining embodied cognition results. Top. Cogn. Sci. 4 773–78510.1111/j.1756-8765.2012.01222.x [ Cross Ref ]Lakoff G. (2012). Explaining embodied cognition results . Top. Cogn. Sci. 4 , 773–785 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2012.01222.x [ Cross Ref ]...
This conclusion resonates with the embodied and enactive perspective on perception and cognition. I believe that spatial purport opens up a possibility of seeing that these two traditions that PP continues have a strong common core that can be uncovered through further research, leading to a deeper...
The second chapter defends the applicability of mechanistic explanation to cases of embodied cognition. Further, it argues that a proposed alternative, dynamic systems theory, is not a substitute to the ...
cognition; cognitive science; sender; receiver; natural information; endogenous information; sensory information; desiderata; semantic information; scientific explanation1. Introduction How is “information” used in the cognitive sciences? There is broad agreement that the brain and cognition involve ...
), the exact same type of curve results from counting words—the larger the corpus the more the curve tends towards the slope −1. The particular language also does not change this result. Zipf himself used data from widely-divergent languages and found this to be true of any of the ...
, the exact same type of curve results from counting words—the larger the corpus the more the curve tends towards the slope −1. The particular Entropy 2009, 11 1063 language also does not change this result. Zipf himself used data from widely-divergent languages and found this to be ...