Explain why it is important to companies to honestly and accurately assess its strengths and weaknesses and to regularly update its assessment in a dynamic market. How does the business cycle affect Delta's business? Explain. Explain the study of how firm...
values equals the difference between the expected model output (averaged over the background dataset) and the current model output. Note that for the 'zero' image the blank middle is important, while for the 'four' image the lack of a connection on top makes it a four instead of a nine...
Explain briefly why the action potential of cardiac muscle is significantly longer than skeletal muscle. Explain why it is important that the heart muscles contract in unison. In your own words . Why can't the heart be built out skeletal muscle? Why is the heart a mu...
When it comes to cancer, aging is a double-edged sword, researchers are increasingly learning. Age is considered the most important risk factor for cancer. That's because genetic mutations build up in cells over years and decades, and ultimately drive the development of cancer. Now a study by...
Women are still not included in decision making for outbreak response, while their inputs would be important for the society. While the fragility of male patients affected by COVID-19 is clearly in the agenda of the decisors, the direct and indirect consequences of the pandemia in women ...
The extensive comparisons between theory and experiment provide model validation and testable hypothesis regarding specific conformational changes that control bond profiles, thereby suggesting structural mechanisms for the inner workings of the TCR mechanosensing machinery and plausible explanations of why and ...
Another important factor is that diesel fuel carries slightly more energy per gallon than gasoline because the molecules it's made from have more energy locking their atoms together (in other words, diesel has a higher energy density than gasoline). Diesel is also a better lubricant than ...
Can you explain why water flows in a continuous stream down a vertical pipe, whereas it breaks into drops when falling freely? Explain how you could thaw out a frozen water pipe by wrapping a coil carrying an altern...
Benefrancis / system-design-101 Public forked from ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101 Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare f...
The Tip-Links hypothesis is an essential idea that many experts in neuroscience have suggested. The idea is that brain regions may function specifically during specific situations. This helps us to understand the function of the brain. For instance, when these regions are stimulated, we can ...