名义 GD P 提高了 2 0 0 % ,实际GD P 提高了 100%, GD P 平减指数提高了 50% o 8Why is it desirable for a country to have a large GDP Give an example of something that would raise GDP and yet be undesirable . 答 :因为 GD P 有助于我们过好生活,但 GD P 并不是福利 一个完美...
Explain why we have laws in Australia to prevent the formation of monopolies? Why are competitive markets considered desirable from a societal standpoint? How does the case of Superior Savings Association v. City of Cleveland support or contradict the core...
Why does the Federal Reserve expand and contract the money supply? What are the four ways the Federal Reserve accomplishes this task? How does each of the methods accomplish the intentions of the Fed? Which method(s) is most important/desirable...
a country with a long tradition of banking crises. It seeks to delve into the discussion of why some countries are more prone to banking crises than others. It is different from other research that has examined the consequences of banking crises. It rather looks at the political factors...
Explain why prices of risky bonds may decline when economic conditions weaken. When the Federal Reserve lowers the real interest rate, what happens to the output gap and to the inflation rate? Suppose the economy is growing faster than t...
Inflation occurs when the price level of the overall economy rises. Economists usually argue the low and stable inflation is desirable for an economy. Both high inflation and deflation are in the eyes of most economists undesirable.Answer and Explanation: ...
Game theory is primarily used to explain the behavior of firms in "oligopoly" markets. (a) True (b) False. Oligopoly: An oligopoly is a market in which a small number of large enterprises control the majority of the sales in a given industry. This market reco...
What is price elasticity of demand? True or false: unemployment rates nearest zero are desirable in the economy. Why are some economists against a target of zero inflation? For a given demand curve, an inward (leftward) shift in t...
A higher margin of safety is desirable; it indicates that there is less risk of business losses. State true or false and justify your answer: Agency theory assumes that corporate managers act to increase the wealth of corporate shareholders. The terms incom...
Emotional balance is desirable for financial traders. Discuss. What are common-size, or standardized, financial statements, and how are they prepared? How can I get a financial data FEED for Indian companies from NSE? Assume you are given the following abbreviated finan...