thanks for the info, i'll read through it and see if i can learn how to do the meantime, can you all tell me what happened based on my report? Reply User profile for user: R C-R R C-R User level: Level 6 17,782 points Aug 3, 2010 8:12 AM in response to de...
What is a sidecar in cloud? Sidecar 是一种常见的设计模式,这个概念在容器和微服务的领域中非常流行。回到 sidecar 的字面意思,如下图所示,就是指摩托车边上安装的这个小车,以增加摩托车的承载能力,它非常形象地表达了Sidecar 容器和应用容器的关系。在云环境中,他们成为一体,共享 Kubernetes pod 的环境,并且...
It’s a general question: what will trigger Quartus scripts to add arriav* logical libraries (arriav_hssi_ver, arriav_ver, arriav_pcie_hip_ver) into synopsys_sim.setup? Suppose my testbench file (that is added to project file using “compile testbench”) has a...