Both phrases are not correct. The correct phrase should be 'thank you for your explanation.' 'Explain' is a verb, 'explanation' is a noun, and 'explaining' is a gerund form of the verb. In this context, 'explanation' is the correct term to use. ...
What is the difference between a gerund, an infinitive, and a participle? How do you change "do you know him" into passive voice? What are linking verbs in grammar? Is 'is' a verb? What is the difference between a noun and a verb?
What are the types of adjectives? What are the types of descriptive adjectives? Is a proper noun a word? Define common noun 1.) Characterize word parts and root words. 2.) Distinguish between prefixes and suffixes, and give examples of each. ...
We haven’t solved the puzzle yet, but we are close. We haven’t solved the puzzle yet, but we’re close. The wordwhereis often confused with eitherwereorwe’re.Wheretypically refers to a place or location and can be used as an adverb, conjunction, pronoun, or noun. For example, yo...
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. There are five types of pronouns: personal ("I," "me," "our," "you," "his," "her" and "its"), relative ("who," "what" and "that"), indefinite ("all," "anyone," "both," "everything," "much," "nothing," "several...
7) The correct phrase is "a little water" because "water" is an uncountable noun.8) The correct phrase is "a few books" because "books" is a countable noun. "A few amount of books" is incorrect.9) Yes, the word "some" can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. ...
[nơi làm nước mắm] is a actually a noun phrase but what modifies nơi/place is AFTER the main noun. In an English noun phrase, modifiers come BEFORE the main noun. Literally, the phrase is actually [fish-sauce making places] in English.Similarly, Those are the people ...
why can't a clause act like a verb, but can act like a noun, adjective, and adverb? What more could be asked for? Change this sentence to a declarative sentence. What is an adverb phrase? What does temerity mean? Define and explain what is the dangling par...
A cause is the motive or reason that moves to do an action. Therefore, thecause is what generates the action. We have a very common structure in this usage. Is the next: FOR + NOUN That noun is the cause that will produce an action or event. Let's see it with examples: ...
Example:Those crypto guys are just after your money. #dtb What doesrizzmean on TikTok? Rizzis a slang term for skill in charming or seducing a potential romantic partner. It can be used as a noun to refer to seduction ability or as a verb to mean “to charm someone.” The slangrizz...