Maximillian Alvarez:And you’ve been so gracious with your time, I really appreciate it, I just got one more question for you. What’s your message for folks out there who are heartsick about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, they want it to stop, that is their primary concern. They also ...
The bottom line? Not matter what, stay hydrated and take steps to reduce your time in the heat to stay safe. -The Conversation and The Associated Press contributed to this report.More from CBS News Ceasefire needs to hold or Gaza will face famine again: U.N. Trump says Palestinians won...
(Trump had turned his head to look at it on Saturday while he was speaking to the crowd in Butler when the gunman fired his shots.) The crowd was silent when Trump started telling the story about what happened in Pennsylvania. But the silence broke when Trump talked about how doctors ...
QuickLink: Men Explain Things to Me: Facts don't get in their way - Rebecca Solnit humorously and sometimes soberly asseses the annoyances and dangers of a men-on-top world. Being told that, categorically, he knows what he's talking about and she doesn't
What the state needs to explain about Gaza fuel cutsDAN IZENBERG