Explain what is meant in the Bible by the phrase ‘God is good’ In the Old Testament talks about the creation of the Earth and Universe and how he created the Earth in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested. Most religious believers and Christians would believe that God is good by what...
Part 1. Jesus' Promise to the Church at Philadelphia. Rev. 3:10 Part 2. A Voice from Heaven Called John Upwards. Rev. 4:1 Part 3. The Absence of the Noun ekklesia (Church) during the Tribulation in Revelation. Rev.3:22; 22:16 Part 4. The Promise that Christians Will Not Have...
beliefs, with a particular focus on Sunday observance. He explains that while the Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday, Christians, including Catholics, observe Sunday as a special day because it is the day Jesus rose from the dead. He also addresses common objections and misunderstandings about this ...
I hadn’t given Ridley any direction beyond “you know, like a band video,” and I felt pretty bad about it, so I started to write what were some general suggestions but got super carried away, and ultimately gave him this huge document of time-coded shots and sequences for the entire...
I wouldn't make any guesses about what "most Christians" believe, but scholars clearly agree that Saturday (beginning sundown on Friday evening) is the seventh day, and Sunday is the first day (the "Lord's Day"). The reason for the shift isn't so clear, but they generally agree with...
Assuming they are allChristians (whether Catholic, El Shaddai, mainline and evangelical and pentecostal Protestant, Iglesia ni Cristo, Members Church of God International or Ang Dating Daan, or the Kingdom of Jesus Christ– I believe they have never been properly catechized, slept during religion...
Tell the Christian that Buddhists do not believe in a heaven the way that Christians do. Instead, Buddhists believe that when you reach enlightenment, also called Nirvana, you experience complete bliss. 8Explain that Explain that instead of dying and going to an afterlife, Buddhists believe that...
” (al-Baqara/2:285) “Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma`il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets, from their Lord; we make no distinction between one and...
• Transgressing what Jesus proclaimed as the second greatest commandment: Love your Neighbor as yourself (here’s Matthew 22 looking at you, Black Christians); • Abiding Russian (Chinese, Iranian) election interference; • Throwing babies in cages and untold other detention tortures; ...