He further went on to say, "On the basis of the above various considerations, Meeting Point objects to the holding of a referendum before first undertaking a detailed and comprehensive study into the mechanism [...] legco.gov.hk 李議員接 說:“ 基於以上的 種種考慮, 匯點反 對在未 有細...
The Bosnian conflict began when a 1992 referendum was held in Bosnia-Herzegovina on the question of whether the state should split from Serbia. The... Learn more about this topic: Summary of the Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina from ...
A separate body of research focuses on cases where culture is not a sufficient explanation for economic outcomes. Take the case of Guatemala and Costa Rica. “The two countries had similar histories, similar geographies and cultural inheritance, and were faced with the same economic opportunities in...
Given the outcome of the Scottish referendum on secession, it seems to me that the iOS-updated version of Wallace's quote is perfectly appropriate. -- 23:01, 30 September 2014 (UTC) Wallace didn't fight the British, he fought the English. (talk) (please sign...