Minute volume refers to the total volume of gases that a person inhales and exhales in a single minute. This is often a measure used to determine the function of external respiratory devices as well as a measure of general lung volume and lung ...
The recovery of peak flow rate towards normal values was explicable in terms of time and theophylline concentration using semiparametric and parametric nonlinear regression models. In the absence of theophylline, recovery takes place with a half-time of 16 hours. Theophylline is less effective in ...
Define a price index. Explain what a price index measures? How is it calculated? A) What is meant by the term international trade? B) In the context of international trade, explain the concept of comparative advantage with specialization. C) Define and briefly...
The boreal forest biome is no exception, and only a small proportion of this forest type remains intact. Since forestry will remain a major land-use in this region, measures must be taken to ensure forest dependent biodiversity. Stand level features and structures promoting conservation relevant ...
(4) also fitted our experimental data with goodness-of-fit measures statistically indistinguishable to Eq. (2) (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 10a, b). However, the fitting parameters correlate with neither the TCR/pMHC-I potency to induce T-cell function nor the catch-bond intensity (Supplementary...
Repeating earthquakes, or repeaters, affecting overlapping rupture patches with a similar focal mechanism, have important implications to track fault slip rates, aseismic deformation, slow earthquakes and earthquake nucleation processes. They are often d
An investigation of transmission control measures during the first 50 days of the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Science 368, 638–642 (2020). Article ADS CAS Google Scholar Watts, D. J., Muhamad, R., Medina, D. C. & Dodds, P. S. Multiscale, resurgent epidemics in a hierarchical ...
Royal Enfield further warranty that if on examination by its Authorised Dealer / Ser vice Center, the motorcycle fail to meet the specified emission standards, then the Authorised Dealer / Service Center shall take necessary corrective measures and shall at its sole discretion, repair or repl...
Interindividual variations in NAC DA responses to placebo administration were then compared with the synaptic activity of the same region during anticipation of a monetary reward. Both these measures were then examined as a function of the anticipated analgesic effects of the placebo, deviations from ...
Use the business cycle theory of new Keynesianism to explain the occurrence of the great recession and whether appropriate fiscal and monetary policy measures have been taken? What is the importance of the business cycle in macroeconomics? Is the definition of a business cycle being rede...