How does water gets to the lungs and how can water be exhaled if it is liquid form? Explain in detail how the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems are interrelated and give examples of situations where these three systems cross over and are interrelated. ...
In a washing machine, the same principle is used to spin water from clothes at the end of the wash cycle. As the drum spins at high speed, the clothes fling against the edge of the drum and the water they contain is forced out through the drum's tiny holes. The same idea proved ...
Consider the energy diagram below depicting a chemical reaction. Explain what is Describe the process of enzymatic browning. What are superacids? How are these formed and how do they work ? Explain in detail when a metal reacts with an acid, hydrogen gas is usually produced. ...
This is why supercapacitors are often referred to as double-layer capacitors, also called electric double-layer capacitors or EDLCs). If you look at the lower diagram in the artwork, you'll see how a supercapacitor resembles two ordinary capacitors side by side....
Explain glycolysis in detail with simple terms What molecules are involved in the carbon cycle? Can information theory explain consciousness? Explain and define metabolism. Explain the role of carbon in biological system. What occurs in the nonliving part of the water cycle? Where does the energy ...
Learn more about this topic: Electron Transport Chain | Diagram, Products & Steps from Chapter 7 / Lesson 5 349K What is an electron transport chain (ETC)? Learn where the ETC takes place. See electron transport chain steps along with its reactants and products. ...
Explain with the aid of a diagram and Bernoulli's equation how a siphon operates. Why we do not feel air exerting pressure on our bodies? Why in deep waters of oceans the water seems still? Explain by using surface tension. How does faster-moving water between two ships affect the w...