No other modern democracy has such an archaic institution as the electoral college. I'd make a strong case that the con-arguments win. The US constitution is admired for many many good reasons but part of the reverence it receives here and abroad used to be the U.S's...
Ohio State U. professors explain the Electoral CollegePaul S. RovnakKate Elliott
For those unfamiliar with theUS Presidential electoral process: Unlike other political offices, the election for president is not a direct election. Instead, each state is apportioned a certain number of "Electoral College" votes based on the number of House of Representatives seats (which is based...
How does the US Constitution affect business as it relates to the preamble, the body, and the amendments of the US Constitution? Explain. Explain the positive impact of the Electoral College and defend why the Electoral College should remain as it is...
Assess the value of an individual citizen's vote under the electoral college system. Why does the U.S. still use the electoral college for presidential elections today? Why do you suppose that people who buy items online...
I think my base is 45 percent. You know, it’s funny. The Democrats, they have a big advantage in the Electoral College. Big, big, big advantage. … The Electoral College is very difficult for a Republican to win, and I will tell you, the people want to see it. They want to see...
Washington is broken.When I win, I'll look those other senators in the eye and tell them: "Jobs." Then I…This email, apparently from a candidate for the US Senate, takes a common populist approach of repeating particular phrases to imply that they will stand up for the interests of th...
Explain the positive impact of the Electoral College and defend why the Electoral College should remain as it is currently. Be sure to include both the pros and the cons of keeping the Electoral Colle Summarize the role of the Thirteeth and F...