In this transistor, the forward bias causes the electrons in the n-type emitter to flow towards the base which constitutes the emitter current IE. When these electrons flow towards the base, it got combined with the majority carriers i.e. holes of the base. As we know, the base is...
You can see that we have essentially the same idea in both, with electronic components formed from junctions between layers of p-type (blue) and n-type (red) semiconductors. Connections to the p-type and n-type regions are shown in orange and yellow and the base layers (substrates) are ...
(You can read more about semiconductors and doping in our articles on transistors and integrated circuits.)When we place a layer of n-type silicon on a layer of p-type silicon, a barrier is created at the junction of the two materials (the all-important border where the two kinds of ...
Indicate whether the following molecules are IR or Raman active. Prove and explain how you got each your answers: a) H_2 b) HCl Explain why sharpening a pencil is a different type of physical change from freezing water to make ice. ...