¿Kʼuxi xuʼ lek noʼox xavalbe yantik li kʼusitik achʼunoje? jw2019 26:1, 4, 5) While in the Kingdom Hall, you can also explain to your children the function of the library, the information board, and other features. 26:1, 4, 5). Jech xtok, kʼalal te...
as he did in his first popular work From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time.“With the Higgs boson, there is no disagreement, he says. “Everyone knows what the boson is, what it does and why is it important.” After...
Over the past decade, trust in institutions like the media, Big Pharma, and the government has gone up in flames—and that’s a good thing. In this episode, we dive into why losing faith in corrupt systems is freeing us to seek truth and build something better. Join Me Today to Discus...