HARDIN, G. The tragedy of the commons. Science, 1968, 162, 1243-1297. * HARKINS, S. & SzyMANSKI, K. Social loafing and social facilitation: New wine in old bottles. In C. Hendrick (Ed.), Review ofpersonality and socialpsychology (Vol. 9). Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1987. HECHlER, ...
Megan's final remark — "Based on this conversation, it already has [become bad]" — is an instance ofrecursion, and suggests that the unnamed subject of the graph may be something whose worsening is demonstrated by the way the discussion of the graph has gone. The subject of the graph ...
Discuss the classification of types of goods in terms of rivalry and excludability. For what type of goods do we have the free-rider problem? The tragedy of the commons? Provide explanations for both. Explain what a rival in consumption and non-rival in cons...
no defector has an incentive to cooperate, but nor will any cooperator switch to defect, because switching would cause the loss of the public good and thus decrease the former cooperator’s own payoff (\(Z < W\)in Fig.1)13. This game-theoretic analysis of the switching...
Fig. 1: Overview of the possible transient system dynamics in the absence of a stable equilibrium point. Full size image Scenarios toward equilibrium: (damped) oscillations or logistic growth? Fig. 2: Overview of the possible transient system dynamics in the presence of a stable equilibrium point...
Explain what aspect of the tragedy of the commons is similar to that of a negative externality. Explain the difference between economies and diseconomies of scale. Provide examples of when an actual firm might benefit from economies of...
Explain what aspect of the tragedy of the commons is similar to that of a negative externality. Explain the differences between explicit and implicit costs. Give examples of each. Explain how social influences can affect consumption choices. Graphically explain the negative effects of quotas. How a...