which effectively meant hooking up to your service provider through a very conventional telephone call. When you dialed into the Internet in this way, what you were actually doing was using a modem and telephone line to make a semi-permanent connection into a much larger computer...
A. Modem B. 网线 C. I/O接口 D. CC-Link电缆 查看完整题目与答案 在科技翻译中,译者要充分地对原文的词汇,语法,逻辑关系和科学内容进行理解,这是遵循了___原则。() A. 准确规范 B. 通顺易懂 C. 简洁明晰 D. 详实文雅 查看完整题目与答案 下列物质可以用作液态源扩散的是( )。 A....
term. ROM chips, on the other hand, remember things whether or not the power is on. They're preprogrammed with information in the factory and used to store things like the computer's BIOS (the basic input/output system that operates fundamental things like the computer's screen and keyboard...
presidents,AndrewJacksonandMartinVanBuren,whichattempttoexplaintheAmericanEnglishtermOK.Wedon’tknowifeitherstoryistrue,buttheyarebothinteresting. ThefirstexplanationisbasedonthefactthatPresidentJacksonhadverylittleeducation.Infact,hehaddifficultyreadingandwriting.WhenimportantpaperscametoJackson,hetriedtoreadthemand...
If we send our test word at the ridiculously high speed of 60 WPM (Words Per Minute) we get one word per second. If you had a computer before high speed internet access was the norm, you used a modem. Modem speed is measured in terms of “baud rate”. Typical baud rates for modem...
This configuration allows an administrator to restrict a dial-peer to either allow inbound connections only (term / terminate) or egress connections (orig / originate). This would be like explicitly configuring an inbound dial-peer to only be used for inbound calls and an outbo...
He spent 11 years with IBM, half of them working in management department, and now serves as a consultant to the likes of AT & T, Coca Cola, Prudential, and Merch. Coleman says that based on what he's seen at big companies, he weighs the different elements that make for long term ...