Chemical elements differ in their ability to pull electrons toward them—or give them up to other elements that pull on them more. We call this tendencyelectronegativity. Stick two different metals into an electrolyte, then connect them through an outer circuit, and you get a tug-of-war going...
Using electronegativity values and the Octet Rule, explain why potassium tends to lose one electron whereas bromine prefers to gain one electron. In the Lewis structure of the iodate ion, IO3-, that satisfies the octet rule, what is the formal charge on the ce...
Explain the concept of electronegativity in relation to atoms and the valence of electrons. Describe the bonding in SO2 and SO3 using the localized electron model (hybrid orbital theory). How would the molecular orbital model describe the [{MathJax...
What is the definition of the term "chemical period"? Why atoms in the same group on the periodic table act similar chemically to one another? Explain why the periodic trends for metal and non-metal reactivity are opposites. Give the reason why hydrogen can be placed in both group ...
The atomic mass or atomic weight of an element (or put it in simple term, mass of an atom) is found by addingnumber of neutronsand number of protons. In calculating the atomic mass of an atom, the number of electrons and daltons are usually...