Explain tidal waves, what make them, why they are so in different phases of the moon. What mean the dates of solstice of summer and winter and what dates are each one? Explain the term time dilation. Why is the earth rotating itself?
A Solstice is one of two instants in the year when the sun's angle is maximally far from Earth's equator; when one occurs, the length of the day or night is shortest or longest (depending on whether one is in the northern or southern hemisphere), and (in the United States) it marks...
InAstrology, there are four royal stars known as Lords. Each of these stars ruled over one of the four cardinal points common to Astrology. The star Aldebaran, the watcher of the East, marked the Vernal Equinox. Regulus, watcher of the South, marked the Summer Solstice. Antares, watcher of...
夏至、冬至的简称〖solstice〗 凡分、至、启、闭,必书云物。——《左传·僖公五年》 又如:至节(冬至或夏至);至日(指冬至日,夏至日。冬至昼最短,夏至昼最长) 至道。道家多以指最玄妙精深的道理〖veryreason〗 今背其本而求其末,释其要而索其于祥,末可与言至也。——《淮南子·本经训》 ...
夏至xiàzhì〖summersolstice〗∶对北半球的居民来说,指太阳到达夏至点的时刻;对南半球的居民来说,指太阳到达冬至点的时刻〖solstice〗∶二十四节气之一,在6月21或22日,这一天北半球白天最长,夜间最短夏种xiàzhòng〖summersowing〗夏季的播种夏装xiàzhuāng〖summerclothing〗夏衣" [查看更多] ...