RANDOM forest algorithmsAs Machine Learning (ML) is widely applied in security-critical fields, the requirements for the interpretability of ML also increase. The interpretability aims at helping people understand internal operation principles and decision principles of models...
Understanding the relationship between urban form and structure and spatial inequality of property flood risk has been a longstanding challenge in urban planning and emergency management. Here we explore eight urban form and structure features to explain
random forest;multi-layer perceptron;explainable AI;protein data bank;neural network;machine learning 1. Introduction Modern society and industry are demanding more and more smart applications, based on the paradigm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) [1]; the advantages span from a higher competitiveness...
不止是问柳妹一个人,你也去问五弟、艾婆、卡特妈,然后他们投票决定你是否喜欢这部电影。(即,你建立一个集成分类器,这种情况也称之为森林)。 现在你不想每个朋友都做同样的事情,给你相同的答案,因此你先给他们每个人各自稍微有点不同的数据。毕竟你不能肯定自己的喜好——你告诉柳妹你喜欢泰坦尼克,但也许只是因...
Continuous change detection and classification (CCDC) and random forest (RF) algorithms were applied to classify the land cover types in Seoul and detect changes in land cover. Specifically, we addressed two research questions: Was Seoul City greening or browning over the 32-year period? And, ...
Copy-number-variable (CNV) loci are an important cause of genetic variation in human genomes, and give rise to differences of 4.8–9.5% in the overall length of human genomes10,11. However population genetic divergence at the genome-wide CNV loci has not been investigated in detail12,13, ...
Firstly, we evaluated single pixel-wise linear correlations between the drone datasets and soil/field-related parameters. Correlations varied between datasets and, in the best case, were 0.8. Next, we trained and tested multiparameter non-linear models (random forest algorithm) using all 14 soil...
We investigated the predictive power of random processes to explain species richness and species dissimilarity of amphibian assemblages in a fragmented tropical landscape of the Atlantic Forest of South America. We analyzed a large database of amphibian abundance and occupancy, sampled in 21 forest ...