Once you've got a neuron that takes input data and outputs a value, you will have to train it by adjusting the weights and biases inside the neuron until the output is ideal. Machine Learning uses these neurons for a variety of tasks like predicting the outcome of an event, such as the...
That younger individuals perceive the world as moving slower than adults is a familiar phenomenon. Yet, it remains an open question why that is. Using event segmentation theory, electroencephalogram (EEG) beamforming and nonlinear causal relationship estimation using artificial neural network methods, we...
FOXP2has been identified as a gene related to speech in humans, based on rare mutations that yield significant impairments in speech at the level of both motor performance and language comprehension. Disruptions of the murine orthologueFoxp2in mouse pups have been shown to interfere with production...
(see Supplementary Fig.S3, S4). The parameters we fitted were the presynaptic weights to the third order neuron, the steepness of its activation function, and an extra parameter for the firing rate version of the model, the baseline firing rate. As our aim was to find the curves that ...