11 No matching min/max row 没有任何能满足例如 SELECT MIN(...) FROM ... WHERE condition 中的condition的行 12 no matching row in const table 对于关联查询,存在一个空表,或者没有行能够满足唯一索引条件 13 No matching rows after partition pruning 对于DELETE或UPDATE语句,优化器在partition pruning(...
Impossible WHEREThe usedWHEREclause is always false so theSELECTwill return no rows. For example:WHERE 1=2 No matching min/max rowDuring early optimization ofMIN()/MAX()values it was detected that no row could match theWHEREclause. TheMIN()/MAX()function will returnNULL. ...
max: the maximum amount of resources that are consumed by a worker node. avg: the average amount of resources consumed per worker node, which is calculated by using the following formula: Total amount of consumed resources/Number of worker nodes. min: the minimum amount of resources that ...
The explain plan is produced by the parser. Once the access path has been decided upon it is stored in the library cache together with the statement itself. We store queries in the library cache based upon a hashed representation of that query. When looking for a statement in the library c...
According to the above algorithm principle, we can know that there are three main things to realize the Bloom filter: The hash function k times calculates k locations. When inserting, set the value of k positions in the bit array to 1. ...
The permeation of water across hydrophobic layers requires the formation of dynamic (semi)continuous void spaces between the lipids' hydrophobic tails26. To uncover the structure and characteristics of the voids inside the various membranes, we have developed an algorithm to ''map'' such voids in ...
本文来自我的github pages博客http://galengao.github.io/ 即www.gaohuirong.cn 摘要: 本篇是根据官网中的每个一点来翻译、举例、验证的;英语不好,所以有些话语未必准确,请自行查看官网,若有些点下面没有例子的是因为当时一下子没有想出那么多来,如果大家
The kernel regression problem is $${f}^{* }=\mathop{{\rm{arg}}\ {\rm{min}}}\limits_{f\in {\mathcal{H}}}\frac{1}{2\lambda }\mathop{\sum }\limits_{\mu=1}^{P}{(\;f({{\bf{x}}}^{\mu })-{y}^{\mu })}^{2}+\frac{1}{2}{\left\langle f,f\right\rangle }_{...
(Block Nested Loop) indicates use of the Block Nested-Loop algorithm and (Batched Key Access) indicates use of the Batched Key Access algorithm. That is, the keys from the table on the preceding line of the EXPLAIN output are buffered, and the matching rows are fetched in batches from ...
However, the appearance of the trajectory is often random, leading to instability in interpreting results. Therefore, we propose a feature-based submodular algorithm to summarize the representative Shapley patterns. The summarization method can quickly generate the summary of Shapley distributions on ...