Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of AC and DC current. How can you explain work, in regards to electricity? Explain the property of electric current. What is the difference between the AC motor & DC motor? Why is an Alternator/Generator rated in kVA, not in kW?
Explain the difference between electrical potential and electrical potential energy. Portable electric heaters are commonly used to heat small rooms. Explain the energy transformation involved during this process. Explain how a simple, DC electric motor works. ...
一分钟给你讲明白,掌握规律做事才能事半功能,接下来开讲。 explain其实和“平原”没什么关系,和plain的当中的前两个字母pl-有关系。 它是一个词根,表示“平”的意思,所以plain是“平原”的意思。 在explain当中“ex-”表示“向外”,pl-表示“...
只检索给定范围的行,使用一个索引来选择行,key列显示使用了那个索引 一般就是在你的where语句中出现的between、<>、in等的查询 这种范围扫描索引比全表扫描要好,因为只需要开始与索引的某一点,而接收另一点,不用扫描全部索引 index Full index Scan,index与all区别: idnex只遍历索引树,通常比all快 因为索引文件...
[2] So it's good for your pocket and kind to the Earth as well. There are two quite different kinds: CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and LED (light-emitting-diode) lamps. What's the difference between them, how do they work, and which is best? Let's take a closer look!
All the students had the examination except me. 除了我之外所有的学生都参加了这次考试。 串记 Without exception, some of the exceptional examples made your composition wonderful except for the handwriting. 毫无异议,除了你的拼写之外,你的不同寻常的...
A comparison of minimum and maximum CC for synthetic waveforms of 3000 random double couple (DC) sources randomly co-located at a distance of 30 km around a central receiver. CCminis plotted over CCmaxfor three components and for their mean, colour-coded according to the difference of the...
Biscuit and cookie is just one example of the difference between British and American words. It is fun to know what “COOKIE”1.in different ways An informal expression ● It means that we can’t stop something bad happening in life, we’d better accept it in2.. ...
The human pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterium, characterized by a developmental cycle that alternates between the infectious, extracellular elementary bodies and intracellular, metabolically active reticulate bodies. The cellular immune effector interferon gamma (IFN-γ) inhibits...