Discuss the concept of species. What ways do modern taxonomists use to distinguish different species? Describe the differences between genetic complementation and recombination as they relate to the detection of wild-type lysis by a mutant ...
The population genetic structure of toheroa (Paphies ventricosa), an Aotearoa (New Zealand) endemic surf clam, was assessed to determine levels of inter-population connectivity and test hypotheses regarding life history, habitat distribution and connecti
Trait Values, Not Trait Plasticity, Best Explain Invasive Species' Performance in a Changing Environment Virginia Matzek* Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, United States of America Abstract The question of why some intro...
A number of factors have been either correlated or experimentally shown to modulate microbiome diversity in the animal intestine5,6. While biogeography, sex, reproductive status, and social structure have all been associated with animal gut microbiome diversity in certain animal clades, the consistently...
The composition, diversity and function of commensal microbes is influenced by genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. This review provides an overview of the factors contributing to individual differences in the microbiome, reviews recent work in psychiatric disorders, and considers what is ...
understanding to this general RCC concept, solidifying the view that changes in stream size were major drivers of processes in riverine systems (e.g., [18–22]); therefore, it is no surprise that stream size is often invoked as a major predictor or determinant of biodiversity in riverine ...
The objectives of the CBD are the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. Subsequently, parties to the World Summit on Sustainable Development, which took place in ...
One of the pairs evolved into the ligand; the other was elaborated into the receptor. Thus, only one short genetic sequence would have been needed to trigger the process, and the receptor could then have evolved by gene duplication followed by ligation to membrane-spanning and second-messenger-...