Explain why a glucose test strip may be used to determine the enzymatic activity of lactase. Explain how a competitive inhibitor inhibits an enzyme and how the effect is different from that of an irreversible inhibitor. Explain why the the structure of a molecule/compound is important. Why a...
Prothrombin Time (PT) is the measurement of the time blood takes to coagulate to a thrombus (blood clot). Learn the procedure and normal range of PT, as well as the composition of blood itself that contributes to the difference in these measurements. ...
Nitrendipine mainly dilated the systemic circulation artery. Should change dressing. 6. does the triglyceride and cholesterol in the blood rise during the long-term use of Nifedipine Controlled Release Tablets? The findings show that only about 5.9% of the blood lipids in these patients are ...
Ginseng polysaccharides (GPS) are mainly divided into two categories based on their monosaccharide composition, namely starch-like glucans and pectin. Starch-like glucans include dextran and arabinogalactan (AG). Ginseng pectin is mainly composed of galactose (Gal), galacturonic acid (GalA), arabinose...
Methods:Anthropometric measurements of 951 Chinese adults aged 18-79 were obtained and body fat distribution was estimated using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The FA composition of plasma phospholipids was measured by gas chromatography. Multiple linear regression assessed whether the rs174547 genotype...
maindeterminantisLBM(6).However,LBMisnotahomo-geneouscompartmentbutinsteadiscomposedofbothhigh-metabolic-rateorgans(brain(heart)kidneys,andliver)andlow-metabolic-ratetissue(skeletalmuscle).Therefore,theparticularcompositionofLBMshouldbeanimportantdeter-minantofREE(7). ...
Explain in detail how urea works in our body and the urea cycle. The Liver: The liver is one of the various organs present in the human body. It is a vital organ that humans cannot live without because it performs many necessary functions. For instance, the liver filters the blood...
How is the chemical composition of lipids different than the three other macromolecules? Name one reason why we need fat in our diet. What are unsaturated fats and how do they affect your body? What is the name of the essential fatt...
(b) Give an example of each. What are fats made of? (a) differentiate between saturated and unsaturated fat. (b) Draw an example of each. How is the chemical composition of lipids different than the three other macromolecules? Name one reason why we need ...
Question: Explain why diester A is now often used as a plasticizer in place of dibutyl phthalate. Dibutyl phthalate: Dibutyl phthalate is type of compound that is used widley in form of a plasticiser. The formula of the given compound is composed of sixteen atoms of...