Mussels of the bivalve family Mytilidae occur in a variety of environments from freshwater to deep-sea. The family incudes ecologically important taxa such as coastal species of the generaMytilusandPerna, the freshwater mussel,Limnoperna fortuneri, and deep-sea species of the genusBathymodiolus, whic...
Pesticides are a mixture of two or more substances. They are used for killing pests. Pests include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, mollusks, etc., that destroy the plant crop and spread diseases. Aldrin and dieldrin are the names of some common pesticid
To survive, all organisms must be able to carry out basic functions, regardless of their classification. Describe a biological process carried out by all organisms that suggest they are a common origin. How do animals survive in the wild alone by the...
In classifying different pond organisms, what classification is paramecium? a) Chordate b) Mollusk c) Annelids d) Arthropod. All vertebrates are classified into phylum Chordata, but this phylum also contains two groups of invertebrates, the ___ ...
Explain the classification of animals based on the germ layers present during their embryonic development. Which animals are bilateral with a tubular gut a coelom and conspicuous segmentation, inside and out? a. Sponges. b. Annelids. c...