Algorithm visualization, NP-completenessWe argue that algorithm visualization techniques can be use-fully applied to the teaching of NP-completeness results. On the ground of this opinion and of a quite positive preliminary student evaluation, we have thus included the visualization of four w...
provide satisfactory explanations for all the typical features of allelic dimorphism: (1) ancient allelic classes with relatively low intra-class diversity, (2) no inter-class recombination, (3) never more than two allelic classes, and (4) dimorphism restricted to certain functional categories of ...
LT classes could only be explained by 7 phenotypic characteristics. This demonstrates that in ST and LT the tenderness variability is explained by different factors. In ST, the main results demonstrated the importance of Heat Shock Proteins such as Hsp27 (P = 0.002) and the oxidative stress ...
model validation and testable hypothesis regarding specific conformational changes that control bond profiles, thereby suggesting structural mechanisms for the inner workings of the TCR mechanosensing machinery and plausible explanations of why and how force may amplify TCR signaling and antigen discrimination....
In a protein-protein interaction network (PIN), a protein and an interaction between two proteins are represented as a node and a link, respectively. The number of links connected to a node is called a degree. The degree distribution P(k) represents the fraction of k-degree nodes in a ...
Viruses are omnipresent, yet the knowledge on drivers of viral prevalence in wild host populations is often limited. Biotic factors, such as sympatric managed host species, as well as abiotic factors, such as climatic variables, are likely to impact vira
Today, distinct felid ensembles inhabit each continent and major biogeographic region. How the differential structuring of these ensembles was generated, and which evolutionary processes shaped these differences across ensembles, are key emerging questions. Using multivariate statistics, we analyzed a large ...
Female and male thick-billed murres (a seabird, Uria lomvia ) use habitat differently at subpolar latitude, and they temporally and spatially segregate by sex across the diel cycle throughout their range, despite the sexes being of similar size. Here, we exploit the continuous light of polar ...
The results of regression analyses indicate that time concept, self-concept, parental involvement in the adolescents personality development, discipline, and the area in which adolescents attended primary schools are significant predictors of their work ethicsMyburgh, Christoffel P.H...
Monopoly of Force Does Not Always Explain Peace: Illicit Network Evolution DoesNathan P. Jones