Associates integer with explainable-sql-statement. The column QUERYNO is given the value integer in every row inserted into the plan table, statement table, or function table by the EXPLAIN statement. If QUERYNO is not specified, Db2 itself assigns a number. For an embedded EXPLAIN statement, ...
當區段解譯已產生解譯輸出時, EXPLAIN_LEVEL 直欄會設為值S。 請務必注意 EXPLAIN-LEVEL 直欄是表格主要索引鍵的一部分,以及大部分其他 EXPLAIN 表格的外部索引鍵的一部分; 因此,此 EXPLAIN_LEVEL 值也會出現在那些其他表格中。 In the EXPLAIN_STATEMENT table, the remaining column values that are usually as...
在存储过程块的开头部分 DECLARE 游标。 打开该游标。 将游标的结果取出到之前已声明的本地变量中(隐式游标处理除外,在下面的 FOR 语句中将对此加以解释)。 关闭该游标。(注意:如果现在不关闭游标,当过程终止时将隐式地关闭游标)。 注:游标的申明如果放在中间段,要用”begin。。。end;”.段分割标志分割开; 游...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于db2 explain用法的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及db2 explain用法问答内容。更多db2 explain用法相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
第一部分:使用db2exfmt格式化静态SQL的解释表数据1.首先对TP1数据库进行以下配置。使用脚本lab5config.ddl来设置数据库和表空间的配置选项。执行explain脚本来创建Visual Explain和db2exfmt解释工具所需要的解释表。一个存有200,000条记录的HISTORY副本将会被载入。同时收集新的表以及索引的统计信息。在终端中:cd $...
WHERE key1 IN(SELECT key3 FROM s2); 查询中包含 union 语句的情况 SELECT * FROM s1 UNION SELECT * FROM s2; 查询语句中每出现一个 select 关键字,MySQL 就会为它分配一个唯一的 id 值这个 id 值就是 explain 语句的第一个列,比如下边这个查询中只有一个 select 关键字,所以 explain 的结果中也就只...
Below you find the definition of the viewlast_explainedwhich returns a formatted explain plan for the last statement that was explained for the current user in this database. Please note that it’s scope is not limited to the current session. The view can be used as simple as that: ...
View details alamb merged commit 7fdb2ec into sqlparser-rs:main Jul 29, 2024 10 checks passed alamb mentioned this pull request Aug 15, 2024 Regression: describe table; is now invalid, wasn't previously #1385 Closed Collaborator alamb commented Aug 15, 2024 @samuelcolvin found a ...
Internally DB Solo uses the commandEXPLAIN ALL SET QUERYNO = ? FOR <sql statement>to retrieve the plan from DB2. SQL Server Explain Plan To get the execution plan from SQL Server, the query tool uses theSET SHOWPLAN_ALL ONcommand internally. After issuing this command, the tool executes th...
e.runtimeStat will always be set, no matter whether it is in the explain analyze statement. Contributor Author lysu Oct 12, 2018 ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.RuntimeStats == nil so GetRuntimeStat(id) will quick return nil, so I only +1 a set nil, but look more uniform? Contributo...