What is the meaning of the standard deviation? And within 2 standard deviations, what percentage fall in? Which type of categorical variables are used to incorporate major events in time series regression? A measure of how much the coefficient would vary in re...
What does standard deviation of a slope mean? Explain this statement: "Conversion factors must always equal 1." Explain the twin paradox in regards to special relativity theory. State and explain the postulates of the special theory of relativity. ...
Explain the assertion that the relationship between the standard deviation on a portfolio and standard deviations of the assets in the portfolio is not a simple one. Describe in detail validity and reliability in qualitative resear...
The amount of rewards associated with each option was initially set to a value between 0 and 98 points, and drifted over time (standard deviation σ = 2.8, more details in the Supplementary Materials), so participants had to keep on tracking the outcomes to pick the highest paying ...
Table 1 presents the average and the standard deviation of the portfolio returns, their CSV and 2×EGR, for the daily, weekly and monthly series. The average levels and standard deviations between the corresponding pairs are very close in all cases (compare rows 2–3, 5–6, 8–9, 11–12...
Consider the following hypothesis test: H_0: mu geq 20 H_a: mu lt 20. A sample of 50 provided a sample mean of 19.4. The population standard deviation is 2. a. Com What is a hypothesis? Explain the following concepts in detail. Use formulas or diagrams that...
Significant correlations are found between the annual mean Niño3.4 index and the global area fractions with temperatures exceeding two (a) and three (b) standard deviation in the historical/intermediate scenario climate simulations for the years 2011 to 2040. Global area affected by heat (two st...
This study investigated the power of two-level hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to explain variability in intervention effectiveness between participants in context of single-case experimental design (SCED) research. HLM is a flexible technique that allows the inclusion of participant characteristics (...
Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Find the 75th percentile of z. Explain it in layman's terms. Explain how to find the median given CDF. Explain how to find the standard deviation without the data. Given a mean of 60 with a standard deviation of...
In order to transform a raw score into a Z-score, we divide the difference between the raw score and the population/sample mean and divide the result by the population/sample standard deviation. The Z-scores play a significant role in the...