Improve software quality and developer productivity Since we have ironed out most of the uncertainties when the project starts, the overall development process is smoother, and the software quality is greatly improved. Developers are happy about the process as well because they can focus on functional...
There is a small piece of code written byJacksonwhich is able to explain shell commands within the bash shell very effectively and guess what the best part is you don’t need to install any third party package. He named the file containing this piece of code as''. Features of ...
Organizations need to implement a comprehensive system for quality management oreQMS softwarewhich integrates data with operations to build quality into design and manufacturing. TheQMS systemshould facilitate continuous risk assessment and allow leaders to update controls in real-time instead of relying on...
There is a rich history of using callbacks to allow for customization of numeric software, and today nearly all modern deep learning libraries provide this functionality. However, fastai’s callback system is the first that we are aware of that supports the design principles n...
3524 Accesses 1 Citations 27 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Repeating earthquakes, or repeaters, affecting overlapping rupture patches with a similar focal mechanism, have important implications to track fault slip rates, aseismic deformation, slow earthquakes and earthquake nucleation processes. They are...
The proposed tool goes behind most software in medical domain that focuses only on performance metrics. Our approach helps the technical auditor to approve software in the medical domain. Interleaving knowledge extracted from ML-models with ex- pert knowledge is a step towards balancing the benefits...
different numbers of foci were performed using the R commands ‘kruskal.test’ and ‘dunn.test’. For all data shown in Figs.2–4, all SCs which were staged as ‘late’ and which were categorized as being good quality traces were included in the analysis. For the histograms of foci ...
(4 years+). By his own admission he does not 'understand' technology. IP codified in the scaleable and discrete framework of software produces the highest EBITA margins in the history of equity investment. Buffett will not contemplate this space. Ironically, he has a perfect appreciation of '...
2525 Accesses 7 Citations 13 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The population genetic structure of toheroa (Paphies ventricosa), an Aotearoa (New Zealand) endemic surf clam, was assessed to determine levels of inter-population connectivity and test hypotheses regarding life history, habitat ...
Software: Data analysis was performed in Matlab 2016a (The MathWorks, Inc. Natick, MA, USA) using the Fieldtrip toolbox67for MEG data processing and ROAST v. 2.735for individualized electric field modeling. Statistical analysis of source-level data was performed using statistical functions provided...