To implement this nonlinear MVAR model, a multilayer perceptron neural network with single hidden layer and 10 hidden neurons was trained. The training algorithm was gradient descent error back-propagation (EBP) with momentum (α) and adaptive learning rate (η). In order to generalize the network...
This step is a multi-layer perceptron with three layers (768, 3072, 768), using the Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) as an activation function:This function has been observed to yield good results in deep neural networks. It can be analytically approximated like this:...
a 2-layer NTK regression and corresponding neural network training using NeuralTangents package55 with 50000 hidden units for D = 25 with varying noise levels chosen according to g(λ). Target function is a single degree mode \(\bar{f}({\bf{x}})={c}_{k}{Q}_{k}^{(D-1)}(...
random forest;multi-layer perceptron;explainable AI;protein data bank;neural network;machine learning 1. Introduction Modern society and industry are demanding more and more smart applications, based on the paradigm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) [1]; the advantages span from a higher competitiveness...