Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy(SUDEP) may explain 3% of all sudden deaths in children – a prevalence rate that is at least three times greater than previously reported estimates – new research shows Dr Vicky Whittemore Just a few years ago, the message regarding SUDEP was that "it's v...
I would have died and my children would have been left with an abusive father who, on top of that, did not know how to take care of those multiple special needs. I have no idea what would have happened to my kids if I died." ...
Scores for the ASK and LAQ-CP Physical Independence and Mobility domains were predicted well by children's movement, manual, and intellectual disability, and also, to some extent, by the presence of seizures or speech problems. LAQ-CP domains for Economic and Clinical Burden and Social ...
” he said. “It’s early. It’s only since February, but some of the kids have issues with seizure disorders and will have long-term neurological symptoms related to seizures and developmental delays.”