In addition to the daily "Standups" described by Rincewind, scrum is also typically characterized by 2-3 week sprints. As a project management framework, it's not that different from software frameworks in that they can seem to gain popularity from simply being in vogue: It can be ...
A) What are the differences between the agile project management model and the traditional waterfall model? B) How do you think the agile model tries to compensate for some of the drawbacks of the traditional model? How are the project management process...
Explain the difference between the system development life cycle (SDLC) and rapid application development (RAD, agile programming, SCRUM) as method for developing information system. Explain in your own words why it's important to defragment a hard drive regularly....
How are the project management processes that surround Scrum similar to and different from how the project management processes surround a project life cycle like SDLC (Waterfall)? What do you understand by the intervention stage of crisis development?
Describe with reasons why a waterfall model of development lifecycle management may be more appropriate than an agile/scrum model. Define slack in the project management environment. How might the concepts of project management help you in your futur...
How are the project management processes that surround Scrum similar to and different from how the project management processes surround a project life cycle like SDLC (Waterfall)? How might the concepts of project management help you in your future IT career aspi...