For normal walking, faster gait speed was associated with female sex, lower MoCA scores, and better performance on the Stroop-1 and Choice IIV tests. Individuals with less fall-related concerns and less severe fall-related injuries took longer steps. Longer steps were also associated with better...
aAdditional analysis from 2000 study using the Movement Quality Model to examine differences in Motor Assessment Scores (MAS) and the Sodring Motor Evaluation Scale scores between groups at 3 weeks and 3 month 另外的分析从2000研究使用运动质量模型审查在马达评估比分MAS (和) Sodring马达评估标度比分...
(stress). Each item is rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 0 = “did not apply to me at all” to 3 = “applied to me very much or most of the time”. Higher scores indicate greater psychological distress. Investigations of reliability and validity of DASS-21 have demonstrated...
Gerald took the ACT test and scored a 27 on the math portion. The ACT had a mean m Concerning a distribution of scores, what is the significance of determining basic measures of central tendency involving the mean, median, and mode...
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‘roundness’ of each hand drawing recording on a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1-completely ‘sharp’ to 7-completely ‘round’. We selected the 5 action sound recordings receiving the highest ‘sharp’ ratings (M = 2.18, SD = 0.23) and the 5 ‘round’ ones (M = 5.23, SD = ...
There are three main sub-scales of this reading test: (i) vocabulary, (ii) reading comprehension, and (iii) word analogies. We also recorded total reading scores across the vocabulary and comprehension subtests. All questions were in multiple-choice format. For each scale, there were four dif...
To test this conjecture, we repeat the experiment of Mnatural, but instead of the original train set, we use the xl or xh (normalized to have the standard pixel scale) and test how well the model can perform on original test set. Table 1...
(of non-zero values) is first taken to adjust for skew, and then the z-score is calculated on the basis of the standard deviation (top- and bottom-coded at 2.5 and −2.5) and the mean of the logged scores (where 0s are unlogged), for the entire distribution of scores on that ...
The TYRP1 mRNA level was measured by RT–qPCR and expressed in log10 scale; significant expression was considered to be above the optimal cutoff regarding OS (2 À DCT ¼ 0.00015). The TYRP1 protein expression was evaluated by IHC; scores above a value of 2 were considered as positive...