Define block in computer science. What is the difference between i++ and ++i when incrementing a variable? What does spooling mean? How is bit rate related to bandwidth? Explain how arrays allow you to easily work with multiple values. Explain the relationship between the length and valid in...
(2)PARENT_ID_PLUS_EXP Shows the relationship between each step and its parent. This column is useful for large reports. (3)PLAN_PLUS_EXP Shows each step of the report. (4)OBJECT_NODE_PLUS_EXP Shows database links or parallel query servers used. (5)OTHER_TAG_PLUS_EXP Describes the fun...
Notice the newer style explain plan. This explain plan displays the cost numbers, the execution plan, the statement id’s. The’*’ on some statement ids indicates there is a relationship between this explain plan line and one or more where clause predicates from the original SQL statement. D...