Raster and vector graphicsAll computer art is digital, but there are two very different ways of drawing digital images on a computer screen, known as raster and vector graphics. Simple computer graphic programs like Microsoft Paint and PaintShop Pro are based on raster graphics, while more ...
(D) Representative trials from one ensemble of 12 simultaneously recorded M2 neurons during patient (top and bottom left) and impatient (bottom right) trials. Top: spike rasters with latent patterns extracted via HMM (colored curves represent pattern posterior probability; colored areas indicate inter...
The virosphere of bees is very diverse, yet most knowledge on bee viruses and pathogens in general originates from studies of the managed Western honey bee,Apis mellifera14. Data for managed honey bees show that the currently documented viruses appear to have a global distribution14,15. In this...
Data for managed honey bees show that the currently documented viruses appear to have a global d istribution14,15. In this managed species the viral land- scape is highly impacted by the presence of the ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor, an effective vector of several viruses found in...
different components of the operating system or of an application. WMF contains a series of drawing operations, including commands for drawing lines, circles, and rectangles. It may also contain bitmap drawing operations which is used primarily for vector images, but can...