To track temporal trends in mangrove health through time, firstly, a supervised random forest machine learning classification was generated to map the most recent, 2022, extent of mangrove dieback. Training pixels for this classification were generated from photo interpretation of high-resolution imagery...
Briefly explain why, in a competitive securities market, successive price changes are random. What characteristics of the bond market make it so reactive to an economic upswing? How does the world economy factor into this reaction? What is your opinion on this issue? Explain ...
Hypothesis of the conjunct expression gene: can random mutation explain the phenotypic variability?A statistical correlation of the genic demand, the transcription rate of specific genes involved in a behavior in the somatic cells; and the transcription rate of the same genes in the most ...
Briefly explain why, in a competitive securities market, successive price changes are random. Explain why many corporations invest in stocks and debt securities. Explain why the alternative that recovers its initial investment at a specified rate of return in the ...
Why does your data need to be a random sample of the population when using OLS to estimate a regression? (Briefly explain) a) Develop hypotheses that can be used to test your research hypothesis. b) What is the p-value based on your sample of 60 children from ...
To explain these results, we propose the niche diversity hypothesis, in which a greater diversity of social and ecological niches elicits a broader range of multivariate behavioural profiles and, hence, lower trait covariance in a population. We formalize this as a computational model, which ...
The procedure also did not guarantee random sampling within each prefecture, and thus our estimations used standard errors that were robust at the prefecture-level. We additionally introduce Japan's situation regarding COVID-19 and vaccines. As of March 16, when we started this experiment, the ...
As it relates to Spain, Copelovitch and Singer claim that the Spanish experience validates their hypothesis. First, they confirm that large capital inflows measured by either net or gross portfolio flows are not always associated with banking instability: Spain was a country with low levels of gro...
To mitigate this problem we use random effects, which causes us to focus on devices observed during both treatment and control periods. Even this, however, is inadequate as it is short of fixed effect estimation. (We do not run fixed effects because our hypothesis tests are difficult to run...
random samples. B. correlated. C. operationally defined. D. replications. What are the independent and dependent variables in Dutton and Aron's 1974 "Bridge Study"? Hypothesis: Presence of others will lead to increased responsiveness to emergency situations. (a)...